
Friday, October 8, 2010

the challenge of GRATITUDE

Good Evening ladies.... it's time for a challenge. However... I am not sure how busy your lives are at this point... mine is crazy busy. So, this will be a personal challenge that will take us through Thanksgiving. I would love to see any progress that you have been making via photos and e-mail.... but this is a personal challenge.
I found this great art above on Gris Grimley's website... don't you love it. Bella and Boris is what the title is. I know that Halloween is first and formost on all of our minds... so, if you are making any kind of halloween art or crafts... post it here! Drop me a photo via e-mail and I will share it!
There are so many great things about the fall... so let's share them here.
Recipies, fun adventures, crafts , cards, photos, poems.... whatever you have... drop me an e-maail and a photo attached and I will post them for you to view and share.
Next.... my favorite subject.
I want for all of you to start on a GRATITUDE project. I think it would be great if we could all do a pay it forward type project that would involve you making a project and then send it or give it to someone who would least expect to get it from you. Then ask them to continue to do the same. It could be as small as opening a door for someone who needs a hand or making a little project for someone to baking cookies for a neighbor or offering to babysit for a friend for the night. Put on your thinking caps and lets play the gratitude game. Of course for the good of the blog... I would love these to be in the form of artsie craftsie projects... but the others would be great too! The fall is the time that I think about all I am greatful for and I am challenging you to do the same. Check back from time to time... I will be offering up challenges to get you feeling more greatful!!!
I hope you will share what you do with me and I can share it with the whole group and so on and so on. If you do pass something on to someone... and they continue- please ask them to share it here on the blog.

I am greatful for all of you

1 comment:

Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!