
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

judiths and tamara's walk down memory lane

Oh lookie. My little walk down memory lane has inspired a few of you. Thank heavens.... i thought no one was reading anymore. But then, i posted my walk down memory lane and a boat load of you commented! And then came the memories.....
Judith sent me this pic of Gumby and Polkey and said that some of her fondest memory come from watchin Gumby and Polkey on TV.
Then... Tamara really took a long walk down memory lane... with these pics. Above are covers of Vogue from the 60's - she started to sew all kinds of crazy clothes because of those and became a hair dresser and used the styles as her style.

Tamara was at Disneyland when it first opened... she remembers when Fantasy seemed like a great idea. Look at how little people were there then... and now, forget it.
Her first album was Bob Dylan and she listened to her for hours while she painted egyptian type doodles on her bedroom wall.... hey, that would be a fun challenge... album covers and first albums... hmmm....
She was also inspired by the windows at Macy's in the holiday season, it meant winter to her.
Tamara lived in the city by Playland and the laughing lady there always tickled her... hehehe...
she loved to go to the filmore as a young adult and loved the posters... me too! The lettering is what would inspire me.

Keep sending me your memory lane pics and stories....


  1. More Wow!!!! Gumby was Wendy's favorite and heaven forbid if he got temporarily misplaced!!!!

  2. More WOW! Gumby was Wendy's favorite! Heaven forbid if he got accidentally misplaced!!!!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!