
Thursday, December 23, 2010

'twas the night before....

'twas the night before, the night before Christmas
and all through the trailer
not a creature was stirring
except our new PUPPY!

what? a puppy... no way. Not in my house! Well, i guess that my hubby is going through a bit of a mid life crisis. I took him to the pound about 2 weeks ago just to look and there he was, the dog of his dreams. We look all the time and there is never a blue heeler to be found. But there he was. And he, my hubby has not stopped thinking about him. He has been back there about 4 times to play with him and today, he decided to go and get him.
- photos to follow by the way, because they have not even come home yet!
He is an 11 week old Austrailian Cattle Dog, Blue Heeler and terrier mix. So cute. He wants to call him lil' focker... not sure yet. I like it, but it might be awkward in a public place to yell for him. Ah, what the heck.

So.... a friend posted this super cute gingerbread trailer that she found on etsy on her facebook tonight and i thought, boy do I wish i had my trailer tonight. I could lock myself away and not have to deal with puppy chewing, pooping, peeing, biting.... oh, i am not looking foward to that.

Stay tuned for puppy pics. I just hope MY dog will like my husbands mid life crisis puppy!

Have a very Merry Christmas and I promise to get back in the saddle with this whole blog thing in the new year....
First mission.... RESOLUTIONS.... tell me yours. Leave a comment and I will randomly choose someone to win a quick little new years gift. Not sure what i will give yet - maybe re-gift something... hahaha. Just kidding.
So, leave a comment and tell me what your resolution(s) are.


  1. Haven't really thought of resolutions however the one resolution that comes to mind is the one I attempt to stick every year and that is to be a better person this coming year.
    Love the gingerbread trailer house.
    Happy Holiday Hugs,

  2. I have two resolutions this year--

    First, I want to live my life fully present in each moment. So, that means enjoying/concentrating on whatever I'm doing without worrying about the next thing...if I'm having a cup of tea--I will fully savor the calm and peace of the moment...if I'm doing dishes, I will focus and be glad I have the capacity to get the job done!
    Second, I AM going to bed at least one hour earlier so I get at least 7 hours of sleep EVERY night!

  3. I have one resolution that is more like a major life/diet change. I HAVE to stop eating wheat and seeing if I feel better after say 6-8 weeks. Then I can make an informed decision on where I need to go from there. It's going to be a real challenge as I love anything made with dough!

    I am also going to get my room/art studio organized and all of my stuff out of Mom's room by her birthday which is Feb 14th.



Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!