
Sunday, January 23, 2011


I have been up for a while this morning pondering over the set up of my three tabletops for CHA.... here they are...
The one above here is for the press room... although it's set up on my craft table... we get a laptop size space and i may have too much. All we should have is a guest book, press kits and something that says your name and booth.... hmmmmm....
This is the designers showcase table (6'x2') and is for the EPM's ( editors, publishers and manufacturers) to view a bit about your work and then come find you at your booth....
this is the other half of this small designers showcase table... pretty happy with this one.
Oopa... i guess i forgot to take a pic of the main booth table. Well, that means i gotta go and set it up again and take a pic.... and all this before the sun is even up. Calgon... take me away! Can't wait for this all to be here, get through it and get back to life!

1 comment:

  1. You booth is going to be over the top wonderful.
    Have fun at Chachacha.
    Hugs, Cory/Dogwood


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!