
Sunday, January 16, 2011


today... my wife Holland ( the world famous photographer ) came over and took my photo for a press release for CHA and thanks to MAC's incredible way of retoucing ... i got rid of the age spot on my chest. A win, win... for me and the photo.
today... my friends came over to help get me ready for CHA. The boys watched footbal ( Go Bears!) and put all these lables on waterbottles to pass out at the show ( booth number 504
today... karen, paula and claudia collated, punced and tied 100 coloring books to hand out to the press and fans at CHA.

today... i got a bit closer to finishing my honey's paper mache tree that he has been sculping for the show. I still have a way's to go.... but without all my FRIENDS and FAMILY... i would be lost. Thank you all!!!


  1. And, you're as beautiful as ever!!!!

  2. Touch ups to rid the age, and I was thinking of just using a paintbrush. You are one busy little bee...have lots of fun at your event., love the bottles.

  3. Love the tree!
    The folks at CHA is going to be seeking you out!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!