
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl... Super Blog

Before we get ready to rumble... i want to announce the winners for the "where should we have dinner / CHA challenge". You guys will have to e-mail me your address and I will send you a treat ( unless you live near me and can pick it up at Ben's or something )..... drumroll please........Marry O, Amy P, Lori, Judithrese, Gloria, Denise, BAG, Gail P and Paula. Congrats - you guys all picked the 5 cent diner and that's where we went and it was fabulous!!!
Now onto the SUPER BOWL... SUPER BLOG challenge!
So... when you have made and eaten the french onion soup mix dip.... wash out the Sour Cream container and save it.

Or... after you have eaten every last chip out of the Pringles container... wash it out and save it.

Or maybe when you are done with your 6 pack of beers
( Widmer is my favorite!!!) - wash out the bottles and save them, or just keep the box and save it!

Now that you have done your part for recycling.... now repurpose and upcycle. I want to see what you do with one or all of these containers. Ready, set, go! You have 1 week... just one week. By the 13th... i want to have all pics sent to my e-mail or a link to your blog and we will view and I will pick the winner. The winner gets a handmade goodie by me! And my e-mail is . Can't wait to see what you all come up with. And..... GO STEELERS - can't wait to see fergie and slash!!!!


  1. Amy P! I was a winner winner chicken dinner! But I'm sure I will see you at Ben's soon when I come over to drop off your Christmas gift that is still sitting in my living room. It's a wonder the dog hasn't taken it as her own yet.

  2. ***gasp***are you flippin' kidding me? the STEELERS? really? **sigh**
    giggle giggle snort, the second you said NOT to check out your blog, I immediatly had to pop over and see what the comotion was! You are funny. Have fun.....and might I add GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Check out those Packers!!!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!