
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

old school letters

Just got to the airport, waiting to go to vegas baby for an EK Success event for work. I stopped by the mailbox on my way here and much to my excitement..... MAIL!!!
I got a beautiful handwritten 3 page letter from blog buddy Rena in Wisconsin. Amazing paper and envelope and oh my heck... the lettering was old school incredible. She made her own envelope and coffee dyed it and even included a quote!
so so special. thanks doll baby!
I guess i will be writing a few letters here at the airport before the flight takes off! Joy also stitched me a postcard in all citrus colors with a cuties lable on it. I love me a good mandarin and cuties are amazing!

Thanks Joy... you cutie. Ok ladies.... show me some of your mailbox finds! I know you have recieved some great stuff... take a picture and e-mail to me so i can post it. Happy letter writing.


  1. That Rena is an awesome letterer. She sent me a card too and I fell in love with her lettering. This is a fun month as I check my mailbox. Thanks for organizing this fantastic opportunity! Have fun in your travels. See you at MARS!

  2. Joy has some beautiful handwriting. :)

  3. Amazing collection! thanks for sharing this with me!@bose


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!