
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

last dicitonary posts... i think

Before we get to the dictionary challenge... i just wanted to share the retro upholstry for Little Miss Sunshine... my 1960's canned ham trailer that I am every so slowing restoring.
Above is the bed area...
Here is the eating area... the tile flooring is the next step on the remodel trail... I think i want it aqua with little flecks in it
It's such a cool retro pattern fabric... I may just sleep out there tonight!
ok, enough personal stuff... now onto the challenge.
Joy got so carried away with this dictionary challenge that she is incorporating them into her Christmas Card for this year... which she made last weekend ( we hate her, i know!). But it's really sweet joy... love it!

And she made yet another Joyous tote from a flower/ garden dictionary she found at a thrift store. Love this joy... will you come teach this class at Ben's for us...pretty please?

Next challeng starts July 1st..... I gotta get mySELF ready for that one!

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