
Friday, July 22, 2011

colours and colors....

I started a book of Colors when I was on the plane to and from CHA. I bought a used book at a library book sale in Sisters for 50 cents. I decopauged the cover, sewed up the flaps and gessoed and painted over the text ( sorry, poetry guy that wrote the book). The idea for the book came from my love of colors by even more from my love of rock and roll song lyrics. The design came from one of my new art stalkings.... Beth Fuller. She does this painting and then drawing over text and book pages.... I wanted to do something similar, in a lindsay way.
As fate would have it... the poet dedicated his book "for Beverly"... well, i kept that for my mom... beverly. One time when i was like 15ish... we were cleaning my room. I guess one of us threw out one of my journals. I was really upset... and my mom spent hours going threw garbage cans with me. We never found it... but that was a learning experience. So... i never dedicate books... but i did this time. Seemed appropriate.
Then the first color... red....
And a song by donovon
and a title page dedicated to a song that will be featured in the book by Paul McCartney and Wings... Bluebird
Not too fond of the cover... but i am working on it.

I would love to have any suggestions that you might have on songs with COLORS in the lyrics / title. I will keep you updated from time to time on new pages. Enjoy.... and taste the rainbow!


  1. Blue Suede Shoes!!! ELviiiiis

    Red, I like red, there ain't no substitute for one of my faves, Sammy Haggar!!! woot woot.

    Good Daaaaay that a Beatles song? not sure, but it's an oldie but a goodie, and hello the sun is YELLLOW!! tee hee.

    If anymore pop in my head I will letcha know. xx

  2. Great project!

    How 'bout:
    True Colors-Cyndi Lauper
    Blue Eyes-Elton John
    John Deere Green-?
    Brown Sugar-Rolling Stones
    Back in Black-AC/DC
    Giant Purple People Eater-?!

  3. I CAN SING A RAINBOW, a song from the National Institue of Health (believe it or not!):

    Red and yellow and pink and green,
    Purple and orange and blue,
    I can sing a rainbow,
    sing a rainbow,
    you can sing a rainbow too!

    Red roses for a blue lady
    Green, green grass of home
    Lavender's Blue
    I see fields of green, red roses, too. . .
    Tie a Yellow Ribbon
    Green grow the lilacs, all sparkling with dew
    Blue Velvet


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!