
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

back to linzi-ism's

This is a little gift I made for a friends mom's birthday. It was her 50th last weekend and she wanted a gift that was totally her. So i put together a book of linzi doodles for her to embroider. There was one or two for each holiday. It was pretty cute if i do say so myself....
Then ... i added in a couple of hand drawn pieces on tea dyed muslin that she could stitch around the borders and then hang. This is my new favorite thing to do... coloring on muslin.
She gave her this one of herself and her sister and she cried. That's when you know you have done a good job. She's not going to stitch around it... just frame it. Sweet!


  1. Lindsay, I know I sound like a broken record, but your art is just beyond endearing, and I love this story, how wonderful for you to do that for your mom's friend, but you are just that sort of wonderful person aren't you? The world really needs more Lindsay's, you are a true blue blessing. So grateful to know you. thanks for sharing this story.You have a way of making people feeling lighter.

    xxxx Rena

  2. aaaah these are really cute. :)


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