
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"September Challenge"

Quote , Unquote.... that's the theme for the September Challenge. I love quotes and I use them all the time in my art. You probably do too. So, i want you to pick your favorite quote...
"gee toto, i have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore"
CLASSIC, right?
You know who said it, you know where it's from and it just takes you to a magical place when you hear it.

there is dorothy and her cute little dog toto... great "quote".

Quotes can be used on jewelry, in art journals, on greeting cards.. wherever! So.... find your favorite "quote" and put in on something creative.....
These are just a few ideas.. more to follow. Put your thinking caps on and get "creating". Then, by the 25th of September.... upload a picture of your thingie and e-mail it to me at
Last but not least, ask your "friends" to come and leave a "comment". The person with the most comments wins a "quotable" handmade goodie from me :)

Ok.... tell your friends too... send them the link to the blog and lets try and make this the biggest and best challenge of the year!

"I bet the alphabet is in that order,
because of that song"
- author unkown

(another one of my favorite quotes.... )

1 comment:

  1. You know, I always DID wonder why the heck the alphabet was in that particular order!!! :) And, I LOVE the idea of this month's challenge!!!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!