
Sunday, January 1, 2012

love notes for rena...

 It's 2012 and I need to keep up my commitment to myself to craft something everyday. Luke left us yesterday. He died in his sleep... we gave him a fabulous send off and today, we are missing him dearly. So, when the going gets tough the tough get crafting.
 My friend Rena ordered some of my tree notecards from me to give to a friend. I for sure couldn't just put them in a sad little shipping box and send them off. No way. So i made a little love notes pouch ( yes Rena, you can keep the pouch and just give the cards)
 I got some new pens for Christmas... noodlers pens and ink. I haven't tried them yet but when I do i want to do a little poem like this one... "Write sonnets of love on your heart"
 I painted and stitched a tree with a heart, some scribbles sky and some white starts on one side....
 and wrote love notes on the back side - oh and i used osnenburg for the fabric. The paint took to it fabulously.
 I love how it puckered from the free motion foot stitching
Here are a few of the 10 cards that are coming your way Rena. My heart needed to make something beautiful today and you get it. 
Below is the granite that our neighbor gave us to set with Luke. We planted a redwood tree right next to him. He would love that. 
Make it a craftingly memorable year. Happy 2012~


  1. Oh so sorry to hear about Luke. But he will always live in your heart.

    Love you so much, Gypsy

  2. So sorry to hear about Luke, but he will always live in your heart.

    Love you lots! Gypsy

  3. I have been thinking of your precious Luke, and as sad for all of your family, what a peaceful way for him to go, just gently falling asleep. Please know how sorry I am for your loss Lindsay, and all of your family. I feel lucky I had the privledge to meet him, and what a gentle soul he was. I love that you made such a beautiful grave site for him to rest....and still be part of your lives if only in spirit. hugs to you you girl...

  4. So sorry for your loss Lindsay. Hugs to you...

  5. Sorry to hear about Luke. He sounds like he was a wonderful part of your family. I always seem to feel worse when our furry family members leave and I just have to convince myself and believe that they know and understod how very much we loved them.
    Take care of yourself and may you heal with your craftiness.

  6. I am so sorry about Luke. I am very sad for your loss. Hug and Much Love going out your way...
    ps. I am amazed even in your sadness that your art is just as wonder-full and inspiring as ever.

  7. Sorry for your sad lose Lindsay, I found your last post very touching.



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