
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

serendipity #3...and #4 and #5!

a new doodle appeared over night
from Sherry over at 
she is taking my buddy Joanne Sharpe's 
online lettering class and was 
inspired by
"the word"

thanks Sherry... fabulous art!

Next entry is from Molly at Sasifricious
check out her great lettering and check out her blog here. Love this entry also... thanks Molly. Love all the shades of colors - a very happy accident

and last - but not least - is an entry from Tracey.... she is a proud new owner of my scribbles lettering book and I must say she has been practicing alot. Great job Tracey ( it looks like i did it, hehehe)

and.... can i just say - faulous colors ladies!

what are you working on?
if you are playing along...
email me your finished piece to
i will post it, have your friends and loved ones
comment and the most comments for the 
month WINS.... a handmade prize by me.


  1. Hi Lindsay, This all sure looks like fun. Some very pretty entries. I'm following you now. Hope you'll follow on mine as well. Helps me to stay connected.
    Coleen, an American in Ukraine

  2. Wow so many different styles on the one theme. Great to see. :)


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!