
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Love and Salt book giveaway....

In the middle of all this mail art madness....
 hows about a give away?
 I had the fabulous new book 
called LOVE AND SALT....
donated to me 
by the publisher and authors
it's a book about 
spiritual friendship through letter writing.
who would like to recieve this book?
I am going to have my dog Charley
pick a winner via your comments....
so, start commenting and 
MAY 1st....
i will have charley pick his favorite comment 
and send you this lovely new book...
make 'em nice comments, please
ready, set... go!


    1. Me, me, oh pick me, Charley. Love the crafty, craziness going on. Keep on trucking, Lindsay.

    2. Would love to have this book. I'm an Army wife currently stationed in Japan and have been trying to write atleast one letter a week to friends and family back in the states. I know they like to receive some happy mail every now and then and not just bills. I know that's how I feel! =)

    3. Cool, looks like I am the first one! Yippee! All I can say is that the world is definitely a much sweeter place because you are in it! You are a kind hearted inspiration to many, many people! I would say that even if there was not a prize! True story!

    4. This is my comment! Hahahaha!

    5. Sending cards and letters to people is a wonderful way to spread kindness around the world. And this month I think we really need more of that in our lives. Thanks Lindsay, for organizing this wonderful event. And Charley, I'd love for you to pick my comment, good dog.

    6. I must say, I am getting addicted to your blog. Not only NWLM got me hooked, but come on girl, a giveaway? Now I need to come here and read EVERYDAY!! (no complains from me, but I bet some of my "roommates" will have something to say when no laundry, food, grocery and homeword are done because of a MIA mother!)

    7. This sounds like a wonderful read to go along with this wonderful month of loving mail and new friendships-I'd love it if Charley picked me!!

    8. This is my first year to participate in NLWM and I am having so much fun!! Pick me Charley!

    9. I made a comment last night as soo as I saw this but who knows where it went. But here is a new one. Charlie, wish I had meel a computer. I would put a treat on here. Oh, is that bribery!! I would just love to win but so would everyone. And honest im not a troll and just want to share creativity!! Thanks!! :) :)

    10. Charlie, I meant smell-a-computer!! Here boy.

    11. ONe more comment, if I don't win is there a way to get the book?inteeda

    12. Oh, would love to add this book to my library and the memories of April 2013, NLWM! Have had so much fun, thanks Lindsay <3

    13. Charley pick me!!!! This is my first year participating and I am having a is so nice to actually look forward to checking my mail box!!!!

    14. Me me me!!! Charley pick ME! :)

    15. Charley, my name is Miss America and I'm the sweetest golden you ever saw! My mom would love this book!
      She thinks your mom is the coolest. Bet you do to!

    16. Charley, if you pick me, I'll send a dog toy straight through the mail. no wrapping or anything to dig through when it gets there. Your mom did inspire us to do those things you know ;)

    17. Hi Charley, I think you should pick me. I clearly don't have enough books in my life.

    18. Charley, I know you have your favorites, but I've been a loyal follower and a participant this month and I love not only the project but also I love books! So, pick me, please!!!!

    19. I have dog cookies,lots and lots of dog cookies!

    20. I initially came across this blog (quite randomly) right before the NLWM penpal cutoff date in March. I am sooo very glad I did. This has been such a wonderful experience and I have had so much fun creating mail art. I have especially been appreciative over the last few days as we deal with the recent tragedies here in Boston. Creating mail art has been a nice distraction and quite healing. I just want to Thank you so much, Lindsay, for organizing this mail art event. I truely look forward to continuing on with the NLWM group even beyond April. JENNIFER SHEEHAN

    21. Dear Buddy Charley~
      You are the greatest dog. We have never met but I know we would be fabulous friends. You can tell just by my name, ROCKY, that I am a very tough cat. Next time Cory goes to a craft day at you house, I will come with her. Oh, but your mom is allergic to my fur. Bummer. Well you can come over to my house. We can also ask Cooper to come over. He lives close by and I know you know him. So if you see the name DOGWOOD on a piece of paper it would be a good one to choose. That is my mom. She is wonderful and loves me lots. She is now 70 years old and so proud to be that age. Bye Buddy Boy...The Rock Star

    22. Hmmm. If I don't win it I may have to buy it! Thanks for the opportunity!

    23. I saw a great post today that I shared on FB that said: Don't forget to play. Thank you to Lindsay through NLWM and Ben Franklins, she motivates us to keep playing.

    24. Charley… I had a dog named Charley. She lived to be 17 years old. It's nice to see another Charley out there. xoxox

    25. Many years ago, I married and moved from the east coast to the west coast. I finally made friends and even had a BFF to my great surprise. Her husband got transferred and over the years we have hand written thousands of letters back and forth. We start each new letter with very wide margins and each of us has a set of colored thin line pens that we use to answer things in the text. The next one answers those answers in another color and adds a new page(s). We end up with a rainbow of color to brighten our days, no matter what we write about - happy, sad, lonely, grateful, etc. It's such a treat both to get and send these letters. When they get too full or all the questions are answered, comments made, we retire them, always adding a new page of news or comments or whatever. Even with the separation, we are still after almostm 40 years, still BFFs! The book would be shared were I to win it, so it would be like gifting both of us! I love your blog - have gotten so many useful tips and ideas from it, and next year, for sure, I'll be signing up for National Letter Writing Month! Thanks for the fun and the smiles!

    26. Posting from Lindsay for a blog reader who wants to remain annonymous... but is a shoe in as a winner in the making....

      Hi Charley!
      We have borrowed our Mother's laptop to send a comment directly to you in hopes of improving her odds of winning the book your Mom is giving away!
      Please let us introduce ourselves: We are Jack, Major, Panzer and Spike,
      (a jack russell, 2 german shepherds and an australian shepherd)
      We have repeatedly heard our Mother, Cheryl, talk about what a wonderful project she is involved in and "thank goodness for Lindsay!"
      She talks about the fun, fun mail she gets almost daily, but seems more impressed (seriously) with your Mom's inner kindness.
      All of us have struggles, both inner and outer, (even us dogs.....chew bone or nap?!?) but to be the kind of person whose actions speak far louder than her words........Just incredible.
      Our Mom has mentioned that the reason she still likes to write snail mail letters is because "you never know who's day you are going to make happier, just for getting a little unexpected joy in the mail."
      So, by selecting some people who are experiencing trials and tribulations and making sure that they are getting a big dose of happiness shows what a kind soul YOUR Mom really is..... :)
      We all live in Massachusetts and have witnessed yet again the darkness in some sick person's soul, so we appreciate even more the good people in all of our lives.
      So please, give your Mom a big lick and tail wag to let her know that she is awesome. Also, try to understand just how busy she is right now, creating all of her own pieces of happiness, and maybe that's why you only get 99 pats instead of the usual 100!
      Sending Massachusetts barks, sniffs and leg-lifts!
      Our love,
      Jack, Major, Panzer and Spike Giulino

    27. I would like to sign up for your online classes. My email is

    28. Charley please be kind with me and this time choose me please make that this beautiful book travel to Mexico and make me really really Happy yessssss yesssssss and I know that you are listen to me ;) ;)

    29. Charlie, I hope you sniff out this comment and give it some "paws". I' d scratch behind your ears if you picked me...

    30. It sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!


    Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!