
Sunday, October 20, 2013

not ready to go ...yet

Wondering if i would ever post again?
Me too....
A few weeks ago my husband was driving is 1987 little toyota truck, shown above and was in a horrific car accident. This, below is what the truck looked like afterwards.

 He broke his neck in two places. 
It was a very long 7 days in the ICU
but he has so much to do here on earth
that God let him stay with me for alot longer....

 Here we are right before we got to come home. It was a long 8 hour drive but he is home with me and doing really good.
 long story short... always wear your seat belt and well, the rest will be for another time... but i was thinking today about the start of craft fair season - which starts next week and I was thinking about canceling all of them. How am i gonna do it without him and who is gonna sit with him when i go? But he said.... us Ostrom's are not quitters..... so.... here is the list. This is where i will be and where you can come and get personalized ornaments, hand painted signs and so much more.
if you need any more info....
just email me and I will get it to you.
Happy Holidays!!!


  1. So glad he's home and safe....speedy recovery to him, and a successful craft fair season to you lovely! Enjoy every minute.

  2. So happy your dear husband is home and recovering. Blessings

  3. Rejoicing with you that he is alive, and healing.

  4. Lindsay! I'm so glad that your husband is home and getting better. You and your husband are strong and wonderful people. Wishing you both the best this coming season and always!

    Hugs, Joy

  5. Sending healing wishes for a speedy recovery to your husband.


  6. Just catching up on some blog reading and saw this post. Sooo glad there is a happy ending to this story, definitely sending healing thoughts to your husband for a gentle and speedy recovery. And to you too, Lindsay, it's stressful for the caregiver as well. Do what you can, don't worry about the rest.

  7. Thank goodness your husband is ok! Happy Holidays to you and yours!
    I love your ornaments, signs, etc!!!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!