
Friday, December 27, 2013

what a find!

Today i took a mental health day off of work.
So, hubs and i were cleaning out the garage and low and behold,
I found a box with 30 of my books.

I thought they were long gone for good.
So, i decided to pay it forward.
Tell me why (in a comment )you need one of these little gems 
and i will read through them and choose one or two of you
to send one out to. This is the end of these... I really 
want to create a new one. We shall see what the new year brings me.
If i could just get an extra free day each week...
who knows.
so... between now and New Years Day
leave a comment here .
Or... head over to ETSY
and buy your own.
Thanks friends!!!


  1. I am told that I need to practice practice practice when it comes to my lettering. If I can't have Lindsay at my home each day to instruct me, best replacement would be her book!!
    Pick me!!'

  2. Why???? Why not??? Let's see, i took one of your classes about 15 years ago. Ive been hooked ever since. :-)

  3. I'd love to check out your book. It would be fun to have in my classroom.

  4. I am so addicted to lettering and I have been looking for your book everywhere...I would absolutely LOVE to own it!! :)

  5. What a find!! Cannot wait to take one of your classes.

  6. Having taken a class from you, I remember you saying to practice everynight! Would luv to practice with your book.

  7. I need a copy cuz I do *Arting at Gramma's* and I'm teaching my little grandaughters what I learn... and I need to learn to do some Ossum Ostrom lettering, so they can grow up to be like YOU! *Ü*

  8. Lindsay, you are amazing. From your artistic talents to your beautiful heart, you inspire and bring joy to so many folks. Even folks who never have met you. I have always loved your style, but getting to
    know you through RAofM and National Letter Writing Month has been a real blessing.
    I have some of your Cut-It-Up books. So, if you select my comment as a winner, I would like for you to send the copy to my art friend Martha who will enjoy it immensely!

  9. I really would love to own your book...maybe I could create some awesome cuteness with your inspiration!

  10. Lindsay, you are such a talent! Letters turn me on as does color. I need some inspiration for 2014 to get me out of this rut I'm in - I think your book just might be the thing! I hope I win...I hope I win...I hope I win.

  11. I just love your lettering and have been waiting to take a class of yours-it would be really great to have your book!!

  12. I raced over to etsy as soon as I saw your post. I'll play anyway, though I was the fortunate winner of your ornament at the last giveaway. Why I ordered the book: because beautiful, meaningful words are essential to my balance, my happiness and if I can also have them LOOK beautiful, so much the better. You are a great inspiration. xo

  13. Hi Linds, I would love to have one because: 1. It's been 25 yrs since I saw you and bought stuff in the Paper Rabbit! 2. I do a lot of writing on my quilts. 3. I have started doing sewn pages for a journal using fabric, paper and a few found objects. I need more lettering skills! 4. I just want one, that's all!
    Hugs, Diane

  14. Lindsay, as i said on the Documented Life fb page i have been a fan for ever! in fact i ran across you book The 123's of Ctreative doodling. probably one of the first of your books i purchased. this was way before doodling and was as big as it is now. I have bought alot of pine cone presses books and remember seeing this one but not sure if i got it or not. But i would love love love to have it from you. would it be signed? even more special! I have been a fan of your lettering but the art work you have displayed on fb and your blog is awesome! so whimsical. Thank you for the opportunity to enter for a copy! A copy directly from YOU!

  15. I would love to win your book. I've been a fan for a long time. I have four of your books. I loved that years ago, you signed a book for my sister who is a super scrapbooker. But the best part is, that I am using your books all over again with my 6 grandkids. Mostly around 11 or 12, they love lettering, coloring, and using your doodling techniques. Have a look at Emily's doodling here. This was a couple of years ago. She is much better now that she is 12. The kids would so love this book since it would be new to them (and me too),

  16. Wow, what an amazing offer!! I would say I need one because it will help me with venturing back into my creative life. I have taken a 10 year hiatus from art and feel incredibly rusty. I have been on a path to "find" myself again and have found that art is helping me do that. I have been looking for inspiration, as I'm sure you know that sometimes a blank page is the scariest thing of all. I would love to have one of your books to inspire my creativity and continue on my path of (re)self-discovery. Happy New Year!

  17. Dear Lindsay! I have been meaning to buy this book for many months…except now that I have time to enjoy it, I've been laid off from my job! Thanks for offering this give-away! All the best to you and your husband in 2014 :). -Barbara

  18. What a generous offer! I'd love to have a copy!

  19. and it would just make my day to get one of your lettering books

  20. Let me start by saying that you are very fortunate that you get to read this message as 'typed' rather than handwritten by me. sigh. Sadly my handwriting is one of my weaker artistic points and I so would love it to have personality, whimsy, style, panache...okay, who am I kidding, I'd like it to be legible! Or more accurately, I'd like it to have that magical quality that makes the reader want to dive into the letters and words...the quality your writing has. So perhaps the lettering fairy of good fortune will smile at me. It is a new year (almost, anyway) of dreams realized and artistic growth. I hope improved lettering is part of this lovely vision for me.

  21. I'd love to use your book. I just treated myself to some copic markers and I'd love to give it a go!

  22. I would be so happy to get this book...I am obsessed with all kinds of lettering and love to learn new ways to do it. Thank you for offering this opportunity

  23. I need one of your books because I need your essence in my studio as one of my muses. So I think I will have to buy one because I can't not get one!

  24. I have ALL of your books except this one. It would complete my collection. Your books are something that I reference for doodling, art journals, decorating packages and just about anything else that would require fun and unique letters. I would love to have this book!!!

  25. I would Love, love, love to have your book. I am not a new artist but new to the art of drawing letters. I am so excited and I am practicing but still could use the help of a great book on hand lettering. Thank you.

  26. I would LOVE a copy of this book! First of all, this offer was posted on my birthday, but second, I just found you through the Documented Life Project and must tell you that I stumbled upon your ABS's of creative lettering and 123's of creative doodling about 10 years ago. I never thought I could draw anything until I picked up these books, and the rest is history into my love of art, doodles, mixed-media, etc. So if noting else, THANK YOU. I'm so glad I found you again!

  27. I would LOVE a copy of this book! First of all, this offer was posted on my birthday, but second, I just found you through the Documented Life Project and must tell you that I stumbled upon your ABS's of creative lettering and 123's of creative doodling about 10 years ago. I never thought I could draw anything until I picked up these books, and the rest is history into my love of art, doodles, mixed-media, etc. So if noting else, THANK YOU. I'm so glad I found you again!

  28. Why do I need one? Because I am still, yes STILL mourning the loss of my Letraset caalog during a post college move. I loved that book. Also, my 9 year old is showing an increasing love of art, but not proper penmanship. I would love for him to see the beauty in taking time to create art in even his writing!
    Thanks :)

  29. I recently found your blog and it has inspired me to try getting one off your books would be awesome!

  30. I need one to add to my collection and put with your other books! :)

  31. How exciting to find a box full of treasure like that! I'd like to say "pick me, pick me!", simply because I've admired your lettering styles since I first discovered your talent by way of the NLWM group this past year and would love to learn how to do what you do. I could order myself a copy but the postage to Canada is almost as much as the book itself. :( However, I'm sure it's worth it!!

  32. I have all your others books and have loved your work forever! I would jump for joy to have this one too!!

  33. So happy to be given a privilege to post a comment here. You have a wonderful site. Thank you for the effort to publish this.

  34. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often..

    rachelle madrigal


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!