
Thursday, March 20, 2014

postage stamp give- away!

 to start off the letter writing.....

one lucky member will receive a book of stamps from another wonderful letter writer who is offering these up as a gift. How sweet is that? So, my dog charley will be choosing one lucky person this weekend. You will recieve the stamps annonylously. If you don't need them and feel the need to send them on.... do it. Keep it going and pay it forward!!!!

such a sweet idea, thank you for the offer
... you know who you are! hehehehe.......

*THIS giveaway is just for folks 
participating in National Letter Writing Month

1 comment:

  1. What a very sweet offer from "anonymous". Stamps are like gold right now for NLWM. Creative Mail Bliss...


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!