
Saturday, April 19, 2014

a few more blogger features.....

Meet Blogger and Letter Writer ... Glenda Hoagland and her blog
Pligrims Thoughts . She feels that her art is always taking her on a spiritual journey.
Why did you join NLWM?  
I have been participating in projects like this for the past year and I enjoy writing letters, making cards and getting to meet new friends.  NLWM was a perfect fit.
Is this your first year?  
yes, it is my first year
Tell us a little bit about your Blog
My blog was started in 2006 when I really did not know much about the process.  Over the years my Blog has evolved into a place to show case my travels and my art.  It also allows me to talk about how I face my inner critic (Gertrude).  Last year was my most prolific year of posting, 109 posts.  This year I plan to exceed that number even if it by only one.  I have written review of friends art books because I believe in supporting them in their endeavors and I have even been part of a blog hop.  That was really cool.
My goal for my blog in 2014 is to get 100 followers.  I currently have 51 and I am so excited.  Who knows what the end of the year will bring.
What is your favorite medium to create with?
Black Gesso.  I love the look and how other colors play off of it.
What inspires you?
Life inspires me.   I am a 3 year cancer survivor and I treat everyday as an adventure.  I love art, I love my church and my family and friends.  Travel inspires me immersing myself in the sights and sounds of other cultures is amazing.  I love to take pictures of the food and life of the people in the various counties I have visited.
Other artists such as Georgia O'Keefe, Jessica Sporn, Katie Kendrick and Mary Ann Moss inspire me.
Don't forget to check out Glenda's blog  - here - PLIGRIMS THOUGHTS  - help Glenda get to her goal by following her blog!
and next , my pal Janet Forrest - and her blog
We met years ago in the begining of the scrapbooking craziness and then reconnected just a few years ago....

 - Why did you join NLWM?
As a "friend of Lindsay" I saw her chatting about the letter-writing group and it sounded like fun! So, even though I was scared to be playing with the big girls (so much talent in this group!) I jumped in!

 - Is this your first year? 
This is my second year doing NLWM. I Like getting "happy" mail instead of just boring old bills and junk mail, plus I love the camaraderie - letter writers are the nicest people! 

 - Tell us a little bit about your blog
My blog, Tattered 'n Worn  started off as a way of documenting the creative journey I began in 2011. I had owned a creative business for 20 years, then sold it (or traded it in for grandchildren!) and although I loved my my new job as a Gaga (Hannah-speak for grandma) I realized I was withering inside from a lack of creative endeavors. So, I began blogging about what I was doing to once again begin living a creative life. Since then it has become my voice in the world, and although I still focus mainly on all things creative, I talk about whatever is on my mind, and in the process I have rediscovered my love of writing.

 - What is your favorite medium to create with?
My favorite - hmmm...I would have to say at the moment I LOVE mixed media. I love paint, chalk, pens, fancy paper, all kinds of embellishments. If it can be stuck on something, I pretty much love it! But I also adore making jewelry, scrapbooking, photography, sewing, wood-working and re-purposing stuff.

 - What inspires you?
Other creative people, magazines, nature...seems like I'm getting inspired by just about everything. I'm just a crazy girl who needs to make stuff!
check out both of these great bloggers and leave a message / comment... let them know what you think. Thanks for looking in!


  1. Awesome! Love how you are featuring 'guest bloggers'... Happy NLWM!

  2. I really like "meeting" the people and putting a face to the name on the NLWM list. Great job Lindsay and thank you. Creative Blogging Bliss...


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!