
Monday, September 1, 2014

Every two pines.....

 Tomorrow i will be 56. for those that know me, birthdays are just another day. this year, i decided to take a pro active look at my day and do what my daugher does. Plan a birthday week. so, i campaigned for gifts - a housecleaner, a car stereo because mine has been broken for sometime and a trip to farrells... a old fashioned ice cream parlor. Well... i got two out of three. The housecleaner will have to wait. 

My whole family chipped in an my youngest asked to borrow my car. I thought nothing of it. She kept my little old '97 Toyota 4 runner out all night long. When she came home the next day, she handed me a box. I opened it and it was an empty box of car speakers. SO EXCITED! We ran outside... my car was washed, vaccumed and a brand new bluetooth stereo was installed. SO HAPPY.

For me an exciting day is ... well, i guess going for a road trip. I go to work, come home, sleep and repeat. That's my day. Occasionally we camp with the trailer and go to craft fairs. But that's ok. That's my life and I am good with it. But this weekend started with a movie, The Hundred Foot Journey... i highly reccommend it and a trip for ice cream sundaes at Farrells and I was good to go. Then I got this stereo.

I noticed that my car was 400 miles short of 300,000 and well...... I had to go for a drive.

We got home after dark with about 75 miles left to go. This morning we are finishing what we started and going for a 75 mile jaunt. So excited to watch it turn to 300,000 and me turn to 56. I don't know why this year feels different to me as birthdays go but it does. The John Muir quote at the top of this page sums it up for me. Between every two pines is a doorway into a new world. I live in a forest. There are tons of pines. TONS OF DOORWAYS. I just have to find the right one to go through. Gotta go and open a new door. Happy Birthday to all of you.... i hope you find your doorway!


  1. Happy Birthday Lindsay! How fun for you to celebrate and your gifts are perfect...just what you wanted. Lots of doorways among all these trees we live in. May you have a wonderful year ahead and all your dreams and wishes be fulfilled. Happy Birthday Bliss Dear...

  2. Happy happy day linds... 56 has been good for me with two college graduates, my 30 year pin and retirement on the horizon... Its been good. I have simple wishes too... to be content and so happy in my relationship my husband and my boys and I wish the same for you and all your kids.. frankly I think you're already there love you have a great day♥

  3. Glad you had such an awesome birthday, Linz! You deserve it!

  4. What a great post. I remember was a good year! Happy birthday week and wishing you many more to come.

  5. Lindsay, Happy Birthday!!!! this is a beautiful post. I love the analogy of door ways. Your car is a 1997. My grandson was born in 1997 and is entering his senior year in high school. New doors are opening for him. New doors are opening for you. Oh happy day.

  6. Hope your whole year will be as pleasant as your birthday sounded. Happy Birthday Lindsay.


  7. Happy Birthday Lindsay! September is a WONDERFUL month to have a birthday in! Sounds like it was marvelous! Hoping each day forward is just as great!

  8. Happy belated birthday! I always celebrate my birthday over a period of a few days, sometimes the entire month... I made my DH take me to see The Hundred Foot Journey for my birthday too. I loved it, and I ordered a copy of the book (same name) because I enjoyed it so much! I enjoyed your junk journal process that you shared with Stampington, lovely work! 😃

  9. Well, happy belated birthday Lindsay! I just met you through the Stampington Co. blog of your Mini Junk Journal, which I found so fabulous!! I too will be 56 this year. A new door has opened for me and my life recently too, so your post here has struck a cord with me. I like your work and will be back to see more.


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!