
Monday, September 29, 2014


My friends and I ( whom i affectionately call my bitches ), go on an art retreat / shopping trip for 4 days every year. We just got back from our trip this weekend. They all chipped in and bought me this book. I read it, cover to cover. And then I read it again. And now, I am carrying it in my car so I can reference it.....

 And now I am stealing from this book.

 I'm not exactly sure what I have gotten out of it, except that it has gotten me to think. I get so mad when I get copied. And it happens frequently. I think I get mostly mad when it happens and they don't use my art to inspire them, but take it exactly as it is and copy flat out. Others copy me and do it for their own personal enjoyment and inspiration... and that doesn't bother me at all. In fact, for me to inspire someone is probaly my biggest joy. So, it's hard to differentiate between the two. And sometimes I feel indifferent about it.

I think i may have to read this a bit more. And then ponder over it. I think mostly, I am thinking about what happens when I see something that inspires me to make or create something else. I must admit... there are times i see something and just want to copy it in it's entirety and if i try, i just can't make it happen. It always becomes mine. And that's what I feel is the best. If you see something and it speaks to you... go ahead. Copy it. But don't make it into a 1cent paint sale painting... you know? Don't copy exactly. NOTHING IS ORIGINAL. So... have at it. Just make it yours. Make it your own.... dance to the beat of your own drum. Do what makes you happy but don't just COPY.... be inspired! And then go on to inspire.



  1. Lindsay what you just said is exactly the reason I love you. You inspire me and make me smile. You are such a thoughtful friend,mother,wife,co worker,employee....... I could go on and on. And, as an artist you are absolutely the best at what you do. I feel so fortunate to be able to spend time with you.
    Thank you for being our Lindsay
    XXO Jane

  2. I'm glad you found something that makes you feel better. I know you've been struggling with the issue!

  3. I have the same struggles, especially since I'm tasked with coming up with most of the projects.

    Someone once told me that R&D didn't stand for research and develop but more like Ripoff and Duplicate. I see more of that nowadays.

    Like you said, it's one thing to admire someone's work and try your spin on it versus completely copy and not give any credit.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I loved that book. Read it, then re-read it. Made index cards with my favorite quotes to look at often!

    1. Now you need to read book two, Show your work!

  5. great post, I'll have to get the book.


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!