
Friday, January 9, 2015


On my way driving home yesterday I had this vision of a journaling page I wanted to create. I did all my boring chores when I got home... took down the Christmas tree finally, paid bills and got read for CHA; then i painted the big black circle and waited for it to dry. I got my Painty Twin pen. I have been singing this Marc Ronson / Bruno Mars song non stop recently and this fits for me so much for this new year. I penned this in minutes. It just had to get out of my head. I made this super cute little collage and posted it proudly - on the ZIG website (Kuretake), because you never know they might see it and offer me a big job (hahaha) and on instagram and facebook. So proud, right? Well.... finally, about 28 comments later someone noticed the spelling error. Did you find it yet?

Well, I am a perfectionist and had to correct it. Got the black paint and painted over Belive and fixed it to say BELIEVE. I have been having stuggles lately with making alot of mistakes at work and in my life in general. I wish I could take paint and just paint over all of them as easily as i fixed this one!

STAY TUNED here and on my facebook page (Lindsay Ostrom.creator of cuteness) for pics of my trip to CHA - the Crafts and Hobbies Association show. I leave Saturday and there are always amazing things to see there - including my new line from AdornIt!


  1. My word for 2015 is Breathe, take a deep breath and just be...Enjoy CHA & breathe:-) xxx

  2. Yes, if only we could just use a giant eraser and fix our mistakes in life. Love your sign Miss Creator of Cuteness. Safe travels to CHA and Enjoy it all...

  3. Found it instantly… I'm a old report writer, admin, and creative perfectionist (or try to be).

  4. Your latering is so interesting! How do you create them so brilliant?

  5. I am just in awe of your lettering. Wow!

  6. Hi Lindsay! I didn't make it to CHA this year but I was looking at websites with releases and I just knew it! Those are your darling designs at Carolee's! So, cool and congratulations on an awesome collection!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!