
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Documented Life Project... first few weeks

 one of my goals for 2015 was to share more of my work
and specifically, more of my DLP journal.
interested? Sign up via Art to the 5th HERE!
For those that don't know, it's a group that is free to join and 
you get an art prompt and a journal prompt a week to journal.
I choose to do way more than that....
so starting from the top here - that's the most 
recent pic... done, but not finished last night
 this piece was done the night before.
 My friend got a book called Wall Art and all the pages 
are of walls of buildings. I stole a few pieces and am using 
them in the journal.
 the prompt for this for art was a color wheel and the 
journal was a Georgia O'keeffe quote
 this little card just helps me remember what 
the prompts are for the week and they get checked off when done.
 below is the leftover paper from the Georgia O'Keeffe prompt above
just cut into a heart.
 Above is vellum that became a page divider
 these two lettering pages were done at a learning workshop we did at
Kuretake in Sacramento
 the art prompt was gesso for this piece below
and the journaling prompt was what it shows on the page
 this amazing piece - shine like the stars was done by
my 27 year old daughter. She is awesome huh?
the page below was done because i have been so 
inspired by all the gold i see everywhere. Done
with a ZIG painty twin pen
 the page below and above were done in honor of the horritic attacks 
on France last week. That's the front and the back

 the egg paper was the front and back of a piece of scrapbook paper.
the little girt was done on the front. Love the way it paints up.
Hair and faces are something i want to learn how
to do better this year. I will be focusing on more this year.
 I got new Derwent Inktense pencils for Christmas,
a little gift for myself
this was a tester page.
 Above the word for the year... for me anyway
is FUNK.
 I downloaded a cool calendar off the internet because I 
don't need a very big one. You can always find me 
here... coloring, hahah. The art prompt was bookpages.
 Above the theme was Goal Keeper so there were a few of my goals
for 2015 and they are now in INK!
 THis is the title page. I always make that first. Then i come 
up the cover idea when I get a bit more of a feel for the overall
feel and theme of the book. I will sew a cover because I made it in
 a ring binder.
Hope you guys enjoy.
Email me if you have any questions...
I was planning ona video but i had some dental work
done today and I am not speaking well. I will do a video 
on the next batch.
ok... happy art journaling!

oh... and .... come like my facebook page too
lindsay ostrom . creator of cuteness
and on instagram at


  1. What wonderful pages! Loved looking through them all.

  2. Beautiful pages, love your work, metallic is a huge trend for 2015 so i have read so more gold and silver please :-)

  3. Fabulous and Fun!!! Thank you Miss Creator of Cuteness for sharing your Show and Tell. Creative Bliss...
    P.S. Hope your dental issues are resolved quickly.

  4. Love love love!! Your pages represent you and your flair for drawing and color!! Digging the three ring binder:)

  5. Love your pages. Really love the gold.


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!