
Monday, February 9, 2015

National Letter Writing Month - 2015

It's a big week... ladies and gentleman
This is the week that the registration will begin for National Letter Writing Month. Lots of changes this year... mostly due to the fact that it was overwelming last year and it became a chore and not what it was intended on being... at least for me. This year, i am super duper busy with a full time job, a part time craft fair / etsy job and then i just got an AGENT!!! So.... this is gonna be streamlined. This is now time to ask questions - because I will answer them ONCE!!!. Here's how it will work....

1. I will pair up 50 PAIRS of folks ( asap and get your addresses)

2. You will get one pen pal.

3. You will be REQUIRED to write 4 letters ( and yes, i mean letters ) during the month of April with your PEN PAL ONLY.

4. You will ONLY be given your pen pals address - and that's it. No other writing on behalf of NLWM will be required. Just between you TWO.

5. This facebook page will go dark and silent during the month of April
we want April to be about Snail Mail. That's what it's all about. If you find your pen pal here on facebook BEFORE April 1st... this page willbe up UNTIL APRIL 1st.... and then, nighty night.

6. Signs up's will be open ON FEBRUARY 14th at midnight ( show me some lovin' ladies ♥) and it will be via my BLOG. All info you need
will be on the blog. Okie dokie....

7. That's it.

8. The idea is to get to know your pen pal. Chat it up via letters. Send cards,
postcards, letters... whatever.

9. Now is time to ask questions.

10. I'm listening - just send me a comment with your email and I will answer as many as i can! .... hope you all approve .....


  1. Cannot wait to do this !! I think my love of paper-crafting came about because I was always a letter writer. My BFF and I wrote all the time as she moved around with her Navy hubby. We decorated our letters with stickers, doodles, anything we felt like.. This looks like SO much fun ....

  2. SO excited and LOVE the changes!

  3. I am all in Miss Creator of Cuteness. I like your streamlining of the NLWM process. Last year was totally out of control for those of us who send to everyone on the list. I really like the one on one pen pal idea. Thank you dear for organizing all of this once again. You are the best!

  4. Excited! Is your email correct here on your blog? It's yahoo right? Thank you.

  5. Great rules, plan on signing up on Saturday! XO

  6. Woot!!!!!

    I'd love to know how to get an AGENT and market art. Pretty please! Can't wait to have a Pen Pal again!!!

  7. Ohhhh I wanna play!

  8. Will definitely stay up Saturday night to sign up at midnight EDT! ;)

  9. Cynthia, if we are paired up, you know what I want. A letter with a PONY! (Laughing). XO

  10. Great idea to make it more about the pen pal and writing letters! Can't wait...

  11. Waiting for Valentine's Day and the opportunity to sign up - can't wait!!

  12. i love the rules. hope i make it in. this is so much more personal.

  13. Hi, sorry I do have a question, do we sign up by leaving a notice here, or do we send an email to your yahoo email address, I am just a little confused. and while I am at it, need to make sure I am clear that for the west coast the sign up is tonight at 9:00 pm. you can respond at Thanks so much.


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!