
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Last call for Mail!!!

 We are winding down to the end of another year 
of fun mail with National Letter Writing Month....
the one above is a self portrait from Carmen to Debra
 Above here is Nia's pocket full of mail to 
Claudia... this is such a fun idea in a pocket page protector
 Above here is all of Sherry's loot to date!
 Sherry's overachiving pen pal sent her this amazing a box! From Stacy
 Vicky and Sharon have been sending the most 
amazing things to each other... this is Vicky's last haul
headed out to Sharon this week
(and yes you can mail a shovel... just put postage on it 
just as is and send it out! )
 I mailed a wooden postcard to my friend and letter writer
Rhonda of her trailer and sweet pooch pal Ranger
and yes, you can mail wood also!
That's it from here for today...
keep those cards and letters coming!


  1. Look at that!!! My self-portrait made it to the blog! <3 Thanks Lindsay!

  2. This NLWM 2015 has been uber fun and creative. Thank you for being a great Postmistress Miss Creator of Cuteness.


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!