
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Searching for Rainbows...

   I have had a hard last couple of months and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. When that happens, I submerge myself into my art and my writing. I am not focused on any one thing and my brain is kinda floating all over the place. I am participating in the Daisy Yellow's Index Card a Day challenge and that's what these little 3x5 gems come from. This is about the only place I can focus. I get a prompt and I do the work. Easy Peasy!

    I have come to the decision that I am tired of making decisions. I am also tired of trying to be a grown up. This past week, I have had to pass on an opportunity that is kind of a dream offer just because it's kinda out there and not a sure thing. I have also had to make some decisions that just don't seem to be what my heart tells me to do. I guess we all go through this. For me, I can't seem to get out of it lately. Thank goodness for my hubs who looks at life so simply. So black and white. You get up, you go to work, you come home and that's your happy time and you repeat. For me... I have a crazy artists mind so that method doesn't work. I always think there should be something else. Something more.  So, again... I throw myself into my art. 

 Usually, if I put things in writing, I stick to them. Gonna try that again here. I am going to work on my lettering books and coloring books. There. That's simple, direct and to the point. I am also going to look for a happy place.  Not sure how to find that daily, when being an adult gets in the way. The funny thing is that I don't feel grown up. All i want to do is create. That's it. So , I guess that where I have to focus. Thanks for listening. You guys are good listeners... hahaha.  Anyway... I highly recomend a challenge - the Daisy Yellow is the one for me right now. Give it a look see!

Happy Summer everyone!


  1. What you create always makes me smile. You put so much joy out into the world with your art. I hope it blesses you in return. Chin up buttercup!😊

  2. Hi Lindsay! I'm a huge new fan of yours after falling in *love* with your cards over at Daisy Yellow. I am really focusing on improving my lettering skills. I'm so inspired by your talent that I tracked down your out of print lettering book (the one published in 1997). I am already learning from it. But I know you have gained more experience/knowledge in the last 18 years. So I can't wait to see a new lettering book! We fans need your wisdom :)

  3. Miss Creator of Cuteness you are Sunshine and Lollipops to those of us who are not artistic. May you find your special Happy Place and keep creating your amazing art. A new lettering book and a coloring book are just what we creative non-artistic peeps please help us as we are here to help you. Your ICAD's are a bright spot in my day...everyday dear!!! I am so very thankful for being able to receive your inspiration my friend. We are really good listeners too. Creative Bliss and Blessings...


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!