
Sunday, June 14, 2015

winner winner chicken dinner!

 Before we get to the winner of my DPL week of Virtual Traveling... a bit of a shameless plug on my part. I have two summer craft fairs coming up, the first being the Prospector Nursery Show this coming  weekend. It's one of my favorites because I get to bring Little Miss Sunshine, my 1960 trailer to set up with me. I have been working on some signs for the weekend and these are just a few that are getting sealed this evening and then they get wire and beads for a hanger. If you are in the area, it would be awesome to have you come on out. The next show is the following weekend.... Treasures and Trailers.... that one should be super fun also with trailers and lots of vintage finds. So excited about these two. Ok.... enough with the shameless plug....

There were 7 of you that commented every day. Thank you so much for playing along. I really apprecite it. The winner is....
congrats miss....
just email me your info at

Last... but not least is the contest going on thru this weekend for ADORNit. Carolee from ADORNit is giving away two full sets of my art play paintables ( shown above ) for anyone who REPOST this post with the hashtag #LOVEADORNIT - on either instagram or facebook. Simple as that. So... I will choose a winner on Sunday the 21st at Midnight! So... if you don't know about ART PLAY PAINTABLES... head over to ADORNit and check them out. So cute... if i do say so myself. And I just got done designing ones for Fall, Halloween and Christmas. 
Ok... have a great week!!!


  1. *** C O N G R A T S *** KRISTINA MAJURI !!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Kristina!!!

    Everything looks SO HAPPY and CHEERY :)
    THANK YOU for the chance to win!!!

  3. Shared! I absolutely adore these!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Congratulations Kristina. and...Congratulations Lindsay on your partnership with ADORNit. I love your play paintables and all of your creative art Miss Creator of Cuteness. June JOY...

  5. Woohoo! Always fun to be a winner... and was obviously worth going through the posts for that week, not just for the chance to win, but the inspiration too. Wishing Lindsay lots of creative energy for her partnerships and luck with her ABC revisited-book project :)


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!