
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Joy to the world....

   There is no Christmas Spirit this year for me. 
No holiday cheer...
I watch my hallmark movies, i paint ornaments daily, i put on my Christmas's just not there. I wanted to do a little project that might bring it back to me. This was a suggestion of a friend. I kinda love it. Still not spirit. Just an odd year. I have lots of stress this year and just kind of an emotional mess. Oh well. This too shall pass....

On the other hand...
here is a little coloring page for you and your family.
Print it out and color it in...
Hope you enjoy it and the the next few days 
before Christamas Day.
Have a great and wonderful New Year!!!


  1. You do not need to go through anything alone Lindsay. Move closer to God and He will move closer to you. Pray more, read your Bible more, seek out those that love the Lord and spend time with them, a good Bible speaking church will help you to grow closer to God and in turn, you will be blessed with the fruits of the spirit. May God bless you and grant you His peace that passes all understanding! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. I am so sorry that things are not so good for you at the moment Lindsay. If you've had a tough year, Christmas can make it worse.It is not always a happy time for people. Thank you so much for this sweet little colouring sheet.I am going to give it to my auntie who has Dementia, and loves to colour-in. I hope the new year is better. This too will pass, and healing will take place. Eat well, and walk, and love yourself. Take time to be kind and loving to yourself so you can heal quickly.
    Thank you for your blog.I became aware of it from one of Joanne Sharpe's on-line courses.
    Thank you

  3. I know exactly how your feel, Lindsay, because I've felt the same way. But don't let the stress and disappointments of the year take away Christmas for you. Christmas is meant to be a Happy and Merry time, so if you can, shake of the stress and remember what Christmas really is. Do what you can, release the rest, and take joy in the reason for the season. Sometimes you just have to step back and say to yourself… I did the best I could at the time I did it. It really is not about the presents, the parties the gifts, I don't think… its about the heart-felt memories of Christmases past and the love that we share. Your true friends and loved ones will have your back no matter what, so take a deep breath and welcome the New Year as an opportunity for all "a-new". I hope you find a feeling of peace in the next couple of weeks… treat yourself to a relaxing spa treatment or jut a day at home with whomever you love. God Bless you and keep you during this season of Hope.

  4. I wish to give you a warm hug and thank you for always being such an amazing inspiration my friend and Creator of Cuteness.

  5. THANKS for All YOU do for Us!!! :)
    L O V E your Amazing Creativity & FANtabulous Artwork!!!
    Wishing You & Your Family a Merry Christmas & a HAPPY ((( NEW ))) Year!!!
    {{{ H U G S }}} <3 <3 <3

    Linda Lechnir Chidster

  6. Hugs to you dear sweet cyber friend! I'm so sorry you're feeling mellow, blue, down and out..... hoping you can find some joy soon! I know you have much to be thankful for. You've had an amazing year with all your new products that have come out. It can truly be overwhelming and you might be feeling a tinge of burnout? Maybe taking a little time off would help. Do things that make you happy. Little things. Pretty soon...those little things will add up and maybe you'll start feeling better. If that doesn't work, chocolate. Always chocolate! You did an amazing job on this lovely work of art. I'm not going to preach 'cause girlfriend, I can really get cranked up, let me tell you. But, I truly believe that you've honored God with this piece from the heart. I'm going to print two copies and spend some time with my mother who has decided she really enjoys coloring. Love you!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!