
Saturday, December 19, 2015

'twas 5 days before Christmas....

 "twas 5 days before Christmas and all through my house
not an ornament was left unpainted...
there is even one with a mouse!
 And tomorrow is my last and most 
artsy fartsy show of the season
and this year...
I will be sharing my booth with daughter number one.
She makes these cute bags above and 
the lovely art prints below.
Plus she has honored me with learning how to do what I do
So, by next year... she will not be an intern anymore!
Plus, me teaching her the art of BOXOLOGY 
( oh yeah, i will explain that in the new year _
you all will get to learn it as well!!!
so... it's a win win!

So.... here is my wish for you to have a great and 
happy holiday. It's been a rough start for me to get 
excited about the season but i am all dressed up and ready to go
with my honey to go shopping, out to lunch, to a movie, go 
look at the Christmas lights.... and I got my holiday
spirit back. In the midst of this crazy world... i hope you
all go out and find your Holiday spirit!

See you in the new year
Here's to an awesome 2016!


  1. Merry Christmas Lindsay! I appreciate you out here :) PS The Coloring books were a big hit with my sister in laws!!!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!