
Monday, January 11, 2016

when life gives you lemons....

Well.... it's true...
"when life gives you lemons, make lemonade"
or maybe throw them back at someone!
Because I am tired of lemons!!!
This week has kicked my ass....
and for sure my hubs ass!
He has felt sick for a few weeks, kinda flu like symptoms - nausia and just not right. Then he started to get shortness of breath and racing heart and hard to breathe. So finally... I made him go to the doctor. Now we know what signs to look for next time and to listen to your heart.
One emergency room stay, two ambulance rides, two heart shocks to get the rhythm down to a semi normal pace, labs off to Center for Disease Control and 6 days and counting in the Cardiatric Care Unit......

 Everything gets canceled, everything get's put on hold. All that matters is what's in the moment. And this moment is NOW and all about him. We have to get a handle on this and nothing else matters. We have very few answers still. Some type of infection that attacked the heart but they also say it could be two completely unrelated issues.
So.... here we sit.

While he sleeps.... i am working on new art for summer stamps, looking at pretty pictures online of my planner at the CHA show ( crafts and hobbies association ) and looking at folks pictures of what new goodies are out there at CHA.
However... that being said... the timeline for me to get my videos and downloadable sheets all complete for the LETTERING BY LINDSAY first online class...
has taken a back seat to my honey bunny.
Sometimes what really matters is 
just this.
Be Here Now....
and that I am doing.
So forgive me if i am off schedule for the classes
stay tuned...
they will get done, just a bit later....


  1. Nothing is more important than family and health. May answers be found and health restored for Brent. Time to rest and be safe for you Linz and your family. Find solace in your amazing art talents my friend. Prayers and Healing Energy...

  2. Be mindful. .that's my word (s) for 2016.
    And you are in the right place. .doing the most important thing. .be mindful.
    I pray answers come and you are both back to your life soon.

  3. Be mindful. .that's my word (s) for 2016.
    And you are in the right place. .doing the most important thing. .be mindful.
    I pray answers come and you are both back to your life soon.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

  5. Thoughts and Prayers for your family and you, Lindsay! Hope your Hunny feels better soon and they know what is wrong so it can be treated. I know the waiting is the hardest part.

    I didn't get to go to CHA this year but I do know one of your planners is on its to me, thanks to Adorn It! Can't wait to play with it, I'm your #1 fan from Hawaii!

    Please give yourself and your family a BIG HUG from me!

  6. I'm very sorry you and hubby have had such a worrying time.Hope things can be resolved soon.
    Your planner and those cute little girls are gorgeous.

  7. Thanks for the update! You just hang close and forget about working! It'll be there when he gets all well!! And your fans will be holding you and your family up in our prayers!! Got my planner and I'm so excited!! Thanks!!

  8. I have been Praying for You, Brett, and your Family from Day One of his Hospitalization!!
    It's Great to see the LOVE/Closeness that your family has for each other!!
    Glad to see that your Creative Talents can help ease your mind during this time.
    Continue to take care of Yourself. And know that You have several people Praying!!
    ((( H U G S ))) from Missouri!!! <3

  9. Thinking of you and your family. ALways love seeing your art! It makes me smile!

  10. Lindsay,

    It goes without saying that all that matters is you and hubby and his health right now! All the other stuff will still be there when he is well. We will be here, while he is sick if you need us, and after as well! Sending prayers constantly dear friend. Hang in there and toss those lemons back🙃

    Hugs and prayers,


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!