
Saturday, March 5, 2016

The best laid plans...

       So, I know a lot of you are waiting anxiously for my Lettering With Lindsay class to begin. And trust me, no one wants that more than me. Last week my mom took quite ill. A week after my folks 70th wedding anniversary and 5 days before my dads 90th birthday

      We had to rush her to the hospital with a perforated colon. At 89 that's a pretty awful ordeal. It's been 7 days and I have pretty much moved 500 miles to the south to take care of my dad and sit by my moms bedside everyday.

      As you can see, I'm hard at work to get all the class materials done for you. My kids brought my whole film studio down to my folks house. I think I have 5 videos left to shoot. I'm just so tired after a full day at the hospital. So bear with me. Hang in there. It's coming. It just seems I've had nothing but set backs this year.

    In the mean time.... Follow me on Instagram at lindsay ann Ostrom, and on Facebook at lindsay Ostrom .creator of cuteness and here on the blog! Thanks for sticking with me here. And if you pray... Please pray for my mom. We need all the prayers we can get.


  1. Masterpieces are worth waiting for. I am sure the video class will be worth it!! No hurry. I have been following your Facebook page. I am a friend of Penny Cotter's. What is the brand/ manufacturer of the water colors that you use? I would like to get a set & practice before lettering class.

    You, your Mom & the rest of your family are in our thoughts.

    Take Care,

  2. We can wait....Be there for your Parents!!!
    I know that this year has been Rough for You & Your Family!
    Remember to take Care of You while taking Care of Others, which is so hard to Do!!
    Prayers Daily for Everyone!!
    ((( HUGS ))) <3

    Linda Lechnir Chidster

  3. With lots of LOVE and Prayers and Healing Energy for YOU and your Mom and Dad and the entire family. All else can wait until the time is right for your dear.

  4. Wishing your mom a quick recovery. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom and I will hold you both in my thoughts and Prayers. I hope she's doing better as I post this comment. Family always comes first as far as I'm concerned… arts, crafts, blogs will always be there but you only have the family for as long as you have them so you need to treasure and take care of them while we have them. Take care of yourself Lindsay, and hug your Mom and Daddy.

  6. I'm sorry about your mom, and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  7. I'll pray for you, your Mom and Dad. Don't forget your Dad, he's in pain as well.
    May Heavenly Father send his comforting spirit to be with you and your family.

  8. I believe there is no "late", instead there is God's timing. For whatever reason your lettering class has been put on hold but I know for an absolute fact that it's only going to be better because of it. Embrace the "on hold" and keep your eyes and ears open for something great!
    Praying for your sweet mom and dad and of course you. Rest.

  9. I believe there is no "late", instead there is God's timing. For whatever reason your lettering class has been put on hold but I know for an absolute fact that it's only going to be better because of it. Embrace the "on hold" and keep your eyes and ears open for something great!
    Praying for your sweet mom and dad and of course you. Rest.

  10. Take all the time you need, Lindsay! First for your family and then for you! Yes, can't wait for your class to start but family first. Love you, girl! Prayers and hugs for your Mom and Dad and your whole family!

  11. Thinking of you and your mom. May she have a speedy recovery.

  12. Praying for your Mom, Dad and You. I truly understand. Right now family comes first. Take deep deep breaths!! All in good time :)


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!