
Monday, November 7, 2016


    My first encounter with elections was in 1971 when I ran for secretary of my class in high school. Not being the popular kid, I lost to another girl. I think I wanted to be secretary because I thought i could write alot and take good notes. Haha. But it was an experience that I thought I never wanted to do again. Later in life, I did run for school board 3 times and won each time. Proving that you can run for election and win not being the cool popular kid. That was a great experience and I served the school district for over 10 years. I have also collected political buttons from elections from Kennedy to Ross Perot and Pat Paulsen ( yes, I am that old! - He was on Laugh In in the 60's ). I love the whole process.

   Somewhere in there, I met a president. Richard Nixon had a wedding in Pasadena with his family and his helicopter flew in to La Canada at JPL. My whole family went to see him. I remember standing in what seemed like a receiving line to meet him and Pat and Trisha. It was awe inspiring. I thought that was one of the coolest moments in my life.

   Before I was 18, i dreamed of voting. My friend Shari Rogo worked on the George McGovern campaign in 1972    . I remember driving with her to pick up signs and volunteer in his office. I thought that was so cool. I wanted to do that. So I took government classes from Mr. Sogamonian in college and questioned the heck out of the system. I had to take his class for two semesters to even kind of understand the electoral college.

    When Obama ran the first time, I told my son and daughter to go and listen to him speak in Reno because they would always remember that moment in history and it would seal the deal for them to feel like they had a hand in electing our first African American president. I have also collected political buttons from elections from Kennedy to Ross Perot and Pat Paulsen ( yes, I am that old! - He was on Laugh In in the 60's ). I love the whole process. I always have and I feel a sense of pride  reading all the info about candidates and propositions, getting to vote, filling out the ballot, going to the polling places... all of it. Not this year. I dread tomorrow. I really do. I am scared, I am anxious, I afraid of what the outcome will be either way.

   So... I have created this little doodle to color for all of you to download. I hear that coloring is a good stress reliever. Print it out, pass it out, share it with the world.... calm down. Color! I tell myself no matter what happens... everything with be OK. Let's hope that is true. In the mean time. Your vote matters. Go vote. OK... that's as political as i get . Have fun and I promise my next blog entry will be a fun and creative one.

Here is the dropbox link to the VOTE coloring sheet. Click on it and print it out!

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