
Friday, February 7, 2020


Today is what I am calling my dad -eversary

It’s two months to the day since he passed so I decided to keep today light and airy. Or I thought I would try. And then I fell. Oh my heck. I tripped over a cord of a leaf blower at the print shop this morning. I Printing of all of this artwork shown above went flying. $133 worth. Spread all over the parking lot and that was all I could think about. Not myself who also was sprawled all over the parking lot. I have two bunnies right now, very bruised ribs,And an even more sore shoulder. But I got right back up at 61 years old and proceeded to continue on with my day. I attribute that to the fact that I have been working out for the last four weeks. And doing darn well. I’m feeling better than ever. Until today. Ha ha Ha.

Then I picked up my mom from her place and we took an hour and a half ride to where my daughter teaches school to have lunch with her. I thought it would be a super fun day which it was. Aside from the fact that my ribs hurt so bad I could hardly breathe and then my moms ostomy bag leaked. Aren’t you glad you are following my blog now? Ha ha Ha But I got right back up at 61 years old and proceeded to continue on with my day. I attribute that to the fact that I have been working out for the last four weeks. And doing darn well. I’m feeling better than ever. Until today. Ha ha Ha.

Then I picked up my mom from her place and we took an hour and a half ride to where my daughter teaches school to have lunch with her. I thought it would be a super fun day which it was. Aside from the fact that my ribs hurt so bad I could hardly breathe and then my moms ostomy bag leaked. Aren’t you glad you are following my blog now? Ha ha Ha . Soon will get back into the art, I promise. So we had to hightail it back up the hill to get her home so that I could change her leaking bag. It’s so much fun to have a mom with no memory and care for her with an ostomy as well.

After I got her all cleaned up and ready for her night time, my husband called with the fact that his mom my mother-in-law, was having heart palpitations. This didn’t really scare me because she gets them all the time. Think, the boy that cried Wolf. Anyway I ran over to her house To make sure she was OK. And sure enough she was watching the news which makes her crazy. So we had a little heart to heart. I said are you fine with in your home right now. And she said yes and then I said are you fine when you drive to the market. And she said yes and I said are you fine when you drive to church to work? And she said yes. So I said none of that news affects you. Carry-on. She won’t but it felt good telling her that.

And after a super long day I am finally home to start doodling and drawing again. I have two online Courses that I will be unveiling this year. Hopefully within the next two months. The first one is called notepad creations and it will be teaching you how to create your own notepads using the lettering and doodling that we have already learned in my other courses. The second one I am super excited about. It’s going to be called “the five-step linzi method”...And it will teach you how to do your coloring in of your doodles and lettering the way that I do. So hopefully these posts will get less and less about my aging parents and more and more back to my art. Thanks to everybody for your super kind comments. I know a lot of us are in the same boat with our aging parents, and dementia, And caregiving in general. We all need to be here for each other. And I hope that this blog gives you a little bit of cheer in your day. Until next time


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