
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Support your local artist

Day 32....
Time to get personal. This one may not be for everybody, but everybody needs it. For years I was told if you’re going to do Art you better have a back up job. Or it’s fine to do art but what are you gonna do for a living. Well without all of us Artist here on Facebook creating cool videos and playing free concerts and designing coloring sheets and offering free classes... and making masks and painting signs and decorating sidewalks, this would be a very lonely existence right now. I’m proud to stand up and finally say I am an artist. This is who I am and this is what I do. And it is essential. I may not be going out in the world. I am staying home. But what I do matters and what you do matters. Art matters. 
Share with an artist, or a stitch or, or a musician, or a game creator, or a puzzle builder, or a sidewalk chalk Painter, or Baker, or a photographer, or any creative that you know. And tell them thank you

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