

 It's finally here!!!
March 2018
a creative lettering online class
with me... Lindsay Ostrom
What will you learn???
  • pen tips and tricks - tools of the trade
  • you'll get at least 8projects to create while learning lettering  ( because there is nothing more boring than having to do the same thing over and over without getting to use what you are learning... trust me, when i took guitar when i was like 12, i was so bored playing the D chord over and over. All i wanted to do was play some James Taylor no matter what it sounded like - so I GET IT! )
  • You'll learn at least 12 linzi lettering styles ( although, once i get going it's hard to get me to stop. 
  • You'll get a secret password to access the videos via Vimeo as well as gain access to our private Facebook groups.
  • We have our own hashtag for you instagrammers - #letteringwithlindsay. A place to share your finished pieces
  • And!!!! You get to have personal help from me! All you have to do is ask and I'll chime in like a real in person teacher! Really, not kidding. 
  • You will be able to access instant download worksheets and pages to trace and copy... because I am all for tracing something over and over to get good at it and make it your own.
  • You'll work on index cards and  create a Flash Card box to hold your work.
  • You will have so much fun listening to me ramble on and on and be silly
  • and.... who knows what else  ....
all this.....
for  only $25 for lesson one and $10 for each or  the 9 other lessons.
OH and did I already say that you
will have all this forever and ever and ever?
that's a true fact good human!
and that's the truth! 

wanna play????


  1. I'm in trouble now. It sounds exciting! I know your artwork is always exciting.

    Thanks for all you do and share with us.

  2. I'm in! As soon as I find that handy Paypal button :-)

  3. I am in!!! My cousin Dara Harris is going to take it as well. Me in CT and her in FL, taking a class together :) Hope your honey is feeling better <3 Love, Terrie

  4. This is exactly what I am looking for! Can't wait! Looking for PayPal button now!

  5. Soooooo LOOKING Forward to this!!!
    T*H*A*N*K*S Lindsay!!!
    Sounds like a lot of ((( FUN )))

    Linda Lechnir Chidster

  6. I'm interested. Can you email me info? Thanks!

  7. I'm interested. Can you email me info? Thanks!

  8. Very interested in finding out more. Thanks.

  9. Standing in line....patiently waiting for sign ups :) HEE HEE Told myself no paid classes this year...miserably bad at sticking with them. But I dream of mastering lettering!! (Scares the bageebers out of me) and right now need something to concentrate on!! I'M IN!! :) EXCITED!!

  10. I need you now! Your work is Amazing! So uplifting and happy!

  11. Did this class really begin last March? I thought that you had to postpone it due to your family difficulties. Please let me know if I can still sign up. Thanks!!

  12. I would like to take your on line class when you're ready to do it.
    Hope all is well, soon.

  13. I'm still interested in taking the class when it goes live, please let me know!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!