
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a bit of lettering

My son and his girlfriend went skydiving this weekend. This is them right after they hit the ground....
This is kurtis in the air coming down after jumping out of a plane.... and this is what i was doing while waiting.... doing what i do best. Taking my mind off of my son jumping out of a plane while writing a little story about the jump. Hope you enjoy.... and as Elenor Roosevelt said... "do something every day that scares you". Well... go do it!


  1. wow to your son and girlfriend they do look very excited.

    Your lettering is superb - I must practise more.

    And as to Eleanor's quote ..... the thought of it would be enough to scare me lol hahaha


  2. So, Lindsay, I have to ask...with the quote in mind, why didn't you jump, too?!!! I did for my 50th and LOVED it! :)


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!