
Thursday, September 29, 2011

get on board the LoVe TrAiN....

Get on board the LoVe TrAiN....
artist Jen Osborn, is doing a Love Train give away on her blog right now... just because
and my friend Rena Askey is doing the same on her blog too.

So... i too am spreading the love on the Love Train
win one of my SCRIBBLES lettering books!

*Post a comment by October 3 at midnight
*I will choose a winner at random
* I will post the winner on the blog here on the 4th of October and you have three days to e-mail me your address and I will send it off to you.

and remember... it's still quote month for a few more days, so today....

"it is better to give than to recieve"

if you have a blog, pass on the love and give something away.... just link back to Jen's blog and my blog .... please!


  1. Hey Lindsay,
    I would love to have a copy of your book!!

  2. I hope the Love Train stops on my name as I would also love to have your Scribbles book. Thank you for the opportunity to be included in your drawing. Fabulous Friday to you...

  3. I have been working hard trying to do better lettering thanks to you. I do have one of your books I use."XYZ still more CREATIVE LETTERING". you are so full of ideas. Keep on sharing them I love them.tamara

  4. I have your ABC Lettering book!! That's what brought me to your blog. I'd love to have another one!!

  5. Thanks for the chance to win your book Lindsay!

  6. Of course I find your blog a day late. However, I love the idea of your book. My hand writing stops me from journaling because it is so bad. I need to practice! (Great blog BTW!)

  7. just saw your site today, it is wonderful Lindsay. Good for you.
    Always great to see new innovative
    work, or artistic creations that inspire and delight. That is what this was to me today. Take care and Good Luck.


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!