
Saturday, October 1, 2011

last quote of the month....

Just had to share this last quote of the month... i love it! Perfectly said. So what's on the blog challenge agenda???

1. Choose a winner for quote month
(coming tomorrow)

2. Choose a winner for the LoVe TrAiN
pay it forward contest
(coming next week)

3. Work on a project a day....
my friend Kristen (KaePea) Powers, posted a video on her blog and I got very inspired by it. And my challenge is to ask you to do the same. She has challenged herself to make something every day. Something small, something large... just something. I am doing the same. So... for the next few months... i hope to post what i am working on daily. If you would like to send me your creative endevours ... feel free. I just might post them here. So... Craft On!
Thanks Kristen for the inspiration...
hmmm, i might even try creating a video!

1 comment:

  1. It is too late for your quote contest, but I wanted to let you know of the one that has motivated me the most. That is "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" by Robert h Schuller. This quote gave me the courage to go back to school at 43 and complete a 2 year program in a field that I love. It was the best thing I have done, and this quote is continuing to point me off to new directions. If I fail, I learn. if I don't, I soar!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!