
Friday, April 4, 2014

the end of the week....

( to Carol from Mary- above)
 Well, I have gotten over 55 pieces of mail so far this week. I have not
taken any new pics of my goodies....
(Christy and Diane's mail above)
 these are all from amazing pen pals all over the country
(mail above received by Crescent)
and all over the world.
Frisbees have been mailed, calgon bath beads,
this super cute mailbox, an ice cube tray,
file folders... you name it!
(mail above made by Debbie)
we even have branched off this year and 
are hosting a kids group. Insane.
So much fun!
 Here's the deal... gotta be honest, that's my policy.
I have taken a second ( well, probably a third ) job.
It's with my art. It's an idea i pitched to a (big) company 
and they bought it. Of couse i am excited.... but of course ,
they need all the art from me this month!
(mail received by Lynda)
So, the best laid plans..... you know. So, i apologize to all for all the plans
i had for the blog this month and all the letter writing i intended to do.
But .... sit down, i have 550 pieces of art to get done this month.
I love you all
Good-bye for now.
Be back soon!!!!


  1. Congrats on the job can't wait to hear what it is.. You will be nothing less than amazing at it.. ♥

  2. Lindsay Dear I Congratulate you on your newest job. I don't think you should think or worry about NLWM! This group of eager and energetic creative people are over-the-moon embracing the art of letter writing and mailing all over this world. Maybe a review after April will help us all with the "withdrawals" that happen. Breathe and enjoy your Creative Bliss overload my friend.

  3. Oh My, your life did just become very, very full!!
    I wish you the very best in your new endeavor and I think you should have caffeine available in some form next to you for the entire month of April! :-)


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!