
Monday, April 7, 2014

Blog buddy feature.... Saucy Chick Sherry

When I had my store, two fun and funky ladies came in one day to show me their chicks that they made. I had to have some. They were so saucy and cute. That's how i met Saucy Chick Sherry. She is a crafter extrordinaire. She dabbles in so many different things it's hard for me to follow sometimes. She is a beautiful woman and has an even more beautiful soul. So here is a bit about Sherry.

( leave a comment here and on Sherry's blog and she and I will get together and 
pic a winner for a saucy prize.... but you need to comment on BOTH blogs... ok? Winner will be chosen on April 15th)
How did you come to join National Letter Writing Month?
I joined NLWM several years ago in all honesty to support Lindsay of Paper Rabbit, Creator of Cuteness.  I adore her and took some classes when her store was on Hwy 174.  In fact I am still using the glitter glue I bought back then.

 How many years have you played in National Letter Writing Month...
This is not my first year to participate in NLWM.  I skipped a year or two as I seem to over-commit myself easily.  I also continue to regularly swap happy mail with my very first pen friend.  We live a few miles apart and shop at the very same Ben Franklin yet have never met in person.  Intrigue? 

 What's your favorite part of NLWM?
My favorite part of NLWM is the friendships formed.

What made you start a blog....
I began blogging in August 2008.  I remember thinking if it was a good thing to do or not.  The answer clearly is yes!  I have made wonderful friends all over the world.  I like to keep my blog positive overall.  I like to share creative ways of making or doing things.  Sharing the ways my Grandmother and Mother taught me.    My blog is simple…just like me.  Not showy or glitzy…just basic and real. 

 What's your favorite medium...
My favorite medium to create with is a tough question to answer because I try and like lots.  Fabric and lace and ribbons are at the top along with beads and jewelry findings.  I am not fond of messy things like paint and splatterings.  I like to create with practical in mind.  I make almost all the gifts I give throughout the year to family and friends. 

What inspires you....
What inspires me?  Sunshine because it gives me energy.  Music because it feeds my soul.  Colors, travel, food, reading, people watching and generally life.  I am easily entertained.

My most recent mantra…
If not now, when?  My when is now! I am trying to use the good stuff and throw “perfection” out the window.  I learn something new every day!  I feel very blessed to be part of this community I live in and have wonderful family and friends. 

Thanks Sherry for being such a loyal pen pal and such and incredible person.... your blog is pretty sweet too!

Don't forget to check out Sherry's blog 
and leave a message here and there to be in the running for a saucy prize! 


  1. I love what you do Sherry. I love the fact to take one thing and turn it into something different. I love that car by the way. It was nice reading about you and I also really love what your passions are. thanks Lindsay for sharing her with us.

  2. my e mail is thanks Lindsay

  3. I'd love to meet Sherry sometime! We live so close to each other but have never crossed paths. I've followed her blog for years and have always been inspired by her creativity.

  4. Thank you for sharing!! Commenting on both to enter the draw!

  5. I love your "Chicks" . I have not been to your blog but I will look it up as soon as I finish this, thank you for sharing.
    Connie OI

  6. Lindsay thank you so very much for featuring my blog. I am honored to be part of this amazing creative journey we are on. I am busy with NLWM and try to mail things every day. This year's group is uber enthusiastic and creative. Blessings and Creative Bliss...

  7. I love her various projects and have known her long before I new about her creativity!

  8. I wish I owned that car, I'd tool around the beach in it! LOL I think the paint chip idea is wonderful! I love it when you can find the extraordinary in the ordinary!
    Thanks Lindsay for sharing this blog and super creative lady!

  9. I stopped by here from Sherry's blog, Createology. She is a wonderfully sweet (and saucy) woman, lol!!!

  10. Sherry is so special. I thought about it last year and this year I am writing post cards. Saucy, hmm, might just be a sweet sauce with that hint of spice! Any friend of Sherry's... ;)

  11. What a wonderful interview and I always enjoy Sherry! That little chicken is really cute.

  12. Liking the blog spotlights, Lindsay. Hope your week is going well. Congrats on the job!

  13. I love Sherry's blog, she is such a sweet person, so happy to read more about her in your feature here. ~Diane

  14. This is my first year in NLWM and I have been having blast. Even though I do feel a little intimidated :-)



Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!