
Sunday, April 13, 2014

The MALE in the MAIL art group

As soon as i saw this pic of Adam and his wife,
i knew he was a hip guy. Note the photo reference to 
the movie UP... i think. So cute!
is a true artist, a letter writer and a super cool guy -
and he is the only male in a group of 138 women
letter writers... so he is brave, also.
And he must have a super fantastic wife!
Read a bit about him here...
and check out his website.

Why did you join National Letter Writing Month....
-I joined NLWM because of Kay Dixon. She said that she was participating and she always is involved in the coolest online groups involving mail. I knew that if I even got one letter that was as cool as one of hers, it would be a win. I also knew it would challenge me to think outside the box and create some postcard sized art! 

How many years have you participated in NLWM?
-this is my first year to participate!

 Tell us a bit about your blog..
-my blog documents my work for the most part, but it has also been known to announce things like a baby on the way, document cool finds, and even "tour" our house. 
What is your favorite medium...
-the majority of my work is done in watercolor, but a few lucky NLWM participants will be receiving, linoleum block prints, paper cutouts, and even a few mini paintings. 
Where do you get your inspiration....
-most of my inspiration comes from my surroundings, I teach a lot of elementary students, and especially with our new addition, my work has lately been on the more whimsical side. I have REALLY been enjoying maps and was heavily inspired by a conceptual map of Disney World prior to the actual park being built. The shapes and colors were so simple and pattern driven, I had to recreate some of my favorite places with a nod at the style. You can see a commission I recently had where I drew over 400 pine trees (painted and shaded). It was awesome.

 Like what you have read about Adam...
i know you will be impressed!
leave a comment here and there
and be entered to win a super fun prize 
from me... lindsay!

( enter by April 20th to be in the running for a prize!)


  1. Adam's art is great and love the book he worked on. We have a similar one in my town of Westport, CT. I have given it as a gift and the kids loved it! Glad we have one "brave" male!

  2. Adam is the best! I took a class with him when visiting Kay. Great guy and super fantastic artist. Can't say enough good things about him! Martha

  3. How exciting! What a fun artist! Thanks for sharing more of him Lindsay!!! I hope I WIN!
    -Gypsy Froggie

  4. Wicked cool! And fun to have some diversity in the group.

  5. What an interesting guy. Thanks for introducing us! :-)

    Tracy Miller

  6. Love Adams art- thank you for showcasing him!

  7. Wow!! Adam you are great. And welcome to our craziness I am going to go and check out your blog for sure. Would love to know more about the tile block. have a beautiful day.

  8. So glad you're a part of us Adam!!!

  9. Love Adam's watercolors! Thanks for the heads up on his art.

  10. Lindsay I love you doing the features of NLWM participants. How fun to "meet" Adam and be able to see his art and creative ventures. Welcome Adam! Creative NLWM Bliss...

  11. It's so nice to read these blog posts about fellow NLWM fellows. Am headed over to check out Adam's blog!

  12. Wow, Adam's artwork is amazing! Thanks for this peek into our one and only male participant!

  13. any friend of Kay's is a friend of mine!
    she happens to be one of my idols!

  14. Adam seems like a really cool guy. Would love to meet him and his wife one day. His art work is awesome too!

  15. Haha--I signed up again because of Kay, too! Love Adam's art!

  16. Love the photo of Adam and his wife! Adorable! ~ Jennifer Sheehan

  17. I love your sketches/paintings Adam. Thanks for sharing your art with us.

  18. What a wonderful gift Adam has, both as an artist and an individual, thank you for showcasing and sharing his work.

  19. Wow! Loved reading about Adam and seeing his work. aMAZing! I would love to learn to watercolor. His work is certainily inspiring!


Thanks for letting me know what you think... leave me your email if you would like a response . Thanks for visiting the cute and creative world of Lindsay Ostrom... that's me!