Yesterday.... my friends took me to see my Art Journal from
the sketchbook project. My car broke :( so i wasn't able to get there on my own and they offered to drive me. I am a real starving artist these days!

A year ago i signed up to be a part of this project through the Brooklyn Art Museum. We had 3 months to complete our journals. My theme was
"Down My Street". It then went on tour of the USA and finally arrived here in San Francisco this weekend.

When we got there, we were issued a library card. We could check out books by author or theme. I checked out my book and then they gave the the book next to it also to compare it to yours.

It was a fabulous day, with a bit of beer tasting at some great micro brew pubs and some crazy ice cream tasting and some amazing eats and shopping along the way.

And there my book sits, ready and waiting to move along to the next fair city. By the way... did you notice the dictionary papers on the front and back cover there? If you want to be a part of next years challenge... got to
the Art House Co-op and check it out. It's a fantastic feeling to participate in~!
It was such a fun day seeing you at SCRAP and then again at the Sketchbook Project exhibit. I loved your sketchbook. The dollar bill is still in the back flap. Hehe.
Isn't Humphry's a fun ice cream place and I now remember I have been to 21st Amendment. Yummmy.
See you Friday at class! Yipee.
Hi, Lindsey!
I also did a sketchbook for the Project...I also went to the exhibit yesterday! I missed the microbreweries, but had some amazing empanadas...yum! If I had known you had a sketchbook there I would have checked it out! I loved seeing the ideas and art in the books I browsed...Judith M. also did a sketchbook...and Jan M...I wonder how many NC artists did one?
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