So today, while minding my own buisness.... at Ben's - I had a Celebrity Siting! Kurtis came and got me and said " Mom... the girl who designed this paper was just here". I said... "WHAT... where did she go?". After tracking down Cassandra Cooper and stalking her for a few moments... we shared a story.

She designed the new line "Be Mine" from Echo Park Papers. So beautiful. It came in a bit late for Valentines Day... but being pink and black and very french... we love it anyway!

Personally... anything with lettering becomes my favorite... so i was in awe. Then she shared a cute little story with me. She said that when she designs her papers, she always hides a little something somewhere within the page for her husband to find. This time she hid it and forgot it was there and it went to print that way... which makes it even more endearing.
Look hard.... keep looking! Do you see it. In the midst of all the french text , it's very small and it says " Jason my love" - do you see it? It's so sweet. She was so sweet. And for those of us who have been around the block... Cassandra was also the owner of Daisy Bucket Designs... one of my favorite companies when I had my store. So cute. Nice to meet you Cassandra and keep those super cute papers coming!

That's a great story! What brought her to Ben's?
she was visiting her friends in Auburn and they brought her into the store.... lucky me!
It was so lovely to meet you too Lindsay! I am back home now and ready to get back to work...more new papers coming soon!
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