know that my love of the open road... and my constant wanderlust for traveling in a cute little tin can trailer...

I just want one... to travel in or to sit in my yard like the cute little green one above....
WELL..... lust no more.....

Here she is! My new 1960 Coastline trailer. My honey got her in trade for tearing out a guys bathroom.

It's actually a friend of his who had it on his property and when he went over there to work on the bathroom he saw it. It was his wifes fathers and he died two years ago and they were gonna to let it decay out in their pasture. See the dent there? That's the only one and it's from when they were in Yellowstone and a bear rubbed his back up against it to scratch it.
Perfectly perfect tail lights... actually all the lights are intact. We are painting the arrows banana yellow to match our '56 chevy handyman's wagon. She is in perfect shape... no mildew or rust or dents.... the wood inside is cherry and great! So cute.

Yes... ladies, that is an icebox. Not a fridge... an ice box. So cute. And... love that diamond plate back splash.

There is the bed area and the countertop is going to be bright and new when I am done... from time to time I will post pictures of her as she gets worked on. Any ideas for a name for her? Hmmmm.... dorothy comes to mind for me. Time will tell. I am the luckiest girl on earth. What a great Valentine i have!!!
There is the bed area and the countertop is going to be bright and new when I am done... from time to time I will post pictures of her as she gets worked on. Any ideas for a name for her? Hmmmm.... dorothy comes to mind for me. Time will tell. I am the luckiest girl on earth. What a great Valentine i have!!!
wow, what FUN to fix'er up! I would leave the bear dent...adds character!
How about Rhonda?
How about Rhonda?
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