Friday, April 2, 2010

By now, those of you participating in our blog challenge have received your BLOG PAL in your inbox. Let me know if you have not... so, it's time to start mailing treats through the mail! If you didn't join our challenge... find a friend , family member or someone you have been thinking about for a while and make them a card. Really, don;t go buy one... make one! Super simple. Truly. Take a look at these sites and have some fun today.

When you care enough to send the very best... MAKE it YOURSELF!!!
Here are a few of my favorite sites to get ideas to make your own cards...
and... my two cents is to join all of them. You know, subcribe - so that you get all their updates in your inbox when they send out updates. That way you don't miss out on anything great.


Dogwood said...

Thanks for the sites for us to check out. Always nice to get new and cleaver ideas.

I can not remember the last time I purchased a greeting card. It is so much fun to make them!

Createology said...

This will be a lot of fun. I did have issues with my local post office as they seem to be bouncing my mail back to me because they like extra money for every thing these days. I won't let them dampen my excitement over sending and receiving snail mail! Happy creating...